Page 6 - 1875-6 Lynchburg Directory
P. 6

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U. S. Internal Revenue.
(Jiiicc, iCJ2 Main Stred .
Collector- _!.H.Rives; DeputyCollector- !-'.U.Huller.
Banks and Bankers. FIRST NA'l'IONAL . BANK.
President- Jno F. Slaughter ; Vice- l'resldent- Chas. \\' Statham ; Cashier- David 1•: Spence ; T eller- A. \\' . 'l'allcy·
Directors-Jno. F Slaughter, President; Chas. \V. Statham, \"ice- President; James 1\'l Booker, Taylor Berry, N R Bowman, F M Dun - nington, John II. Lewis, R. 1·1. F Ada111S, J.\\'. Watts, \\'. :\ . ~;trothcr, R. C. H. Kean.
LYNCHBURG NATION Al, BANK. Capital paid in, $2oo,ooo.
! ' r e s i d e n t - ' ! ' . C :--\. F e r g n s o n ; Vice- l'resident-~ l orris i\ l o o r e ; Uashicr- Loren;-;o Norvell
Directors -'!'. C. S. Fergnson, i\1orris i\loorc, .John \\'. Carroll, John A. Tanner, Charles W. Bmton, R C. 'vV. Radford, Ceorge W. l'almer. Max Gnggenheimer, Jr. , Richard A. Watts, Ammon C . H ancock and
l.orenzo Norvell.
Chartered capital, $soo,ooo.
President- it H. Nowlin; Cashier- John F. Baugh.
Directors-Benjamin H. Nowlin, Jesse E. Adams, John '!'. T aylor, '1'. II. Ivey, George A. Burh, J. P. Bell.
President- John F. Slaughter ; Secretary and Cashier --C '1'. Wills.
Directors -] ames i\1. Booker, R \V_ ('renshaw, T. C. S. l'ergnson, Ceorge l\'1. Jones, ('harles W. St,·.tham, John A Tanner, John C>tey Tay lor, Seth \Vooclrof.
THE PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. Cash capital, $2 12,400 .
l'n:sident- Uharles M. Blackford ; Vice-President- LZ. \\'. Crcnslla\\' i Ca,hier- J. Win,ton lvcy.
Director"- R. W. Crenshaw, John Otey Taylor. John H. l'lood, J. _1 . ,\l:.tlione, J"ohn I>. Lant;horn<:, Charles I•:. H eald, C. \' . \\'infrcl!, _I a<"ol> II. 1-'ranklin,R. (; II Kean.
W o d r o · f & S p e n c e , I J - 1 >\ l : > i » . Miller & l:'Puldiu. :-;c, ~L>i».

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