Page 17 - 1909 Lynchburg City Directory
P. 17

Lynchburg, Va., August 20, 1909.
W. H. Walsh, President.
In presenting the 1909 volume of the Lynchburg City Directory* it is indeed a pleasure for us to be able to state that Lynchburg is in better shape as a whole than it has ever been. The progressive spirit of the age is at present centered about Lynchburg, for everywhere building or remodeling is going on. Since the publication of the.last Directory (Aug. 20, 1908) there, have been about two hundred and fifty permits issued for building improve­ ments, costing about half a million dollars, and amongst the recent improve­ ments possibly the erection of the handsome home of the First National Bank and the widening of Tenth Street is the most substantial. The remodeling of the old Lynch House property will also be a decided improvement to that portion of Main Street. The first steps looking toward the enlargement of the Federal building is in progress, and the possible erection of a handsome
municipal building at the corner of Church and Tenth streets will add greatly to the neighborhood.
Lynchburg is first of all a manufacturing and jobbing center and is known far and wide as such, the volume of the jobbing business for the year totalling the enormous sum of twenty-seven million dollars.
The manufacturing industries employ five thousand workmen, who receive in wages weekly about forty thousand dollars, and produce annually about ten million dollars in finished products.
The importance of Lynchburg as a jobbing center is best illustrated when it is known that between five and six hundred travelling salesmen are employed by the jobbing businesses.
In the preparation of this volume the services only of trained enumer­ ators were used, which is our regular method, and the information is dependable, and whilst we believe our service is equal to any, our constant aim is looking toward an improvement in our service whenever possible.
Before concluding we would respectfully suggest to the City Fathers the advisability of changing the numbers on Park Avenue, commencing at Fifth Street, showing block between Fifth and Sixth as 500s, block between Sixth and Seventh as 600s, block between Seventh and Eighth as 700s, and block between Eighth and Ninth as 800s, and from its intersection with Ninth at Fillmore it should be numbered as an east and west street, commencing after intersection of Fillmore with 1500 block, and so on.
The. present volume contains 14,573 names in the general department, which indicates a population within territory embraced in this volume of 39,890 persons, divided as-follows: white, 27,790; colored, 12,100; and is indicative of a permanent, healthy growth.
We herewith extend our thanks to the general public for courtesies ex­ tended our representatives during the canvass and to the business and pro­ fessional interests for support, and promise in return Directory service of the best character, a work which in reality is a credit to your City.

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