Page 32 - 1909 Lynchburg City Directory
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structor in Greek and Latin; Miss B. McPherson, librarian; Preston B. Sallie A. Wright, A. B., assistant in Hall, secretary of faculty. mathematics and Latin; Miss Louise Holy Cross Academy—In charge of Lanham, instructor in English; Nel­ the Sisters of Caarity. .909 Clay. lie V. Powell, A. M.j instructor in Sister Aloysius, superioress.
English; Miss Minna C. Williams, Piedmont Business College—307-311 instructor in philosophy and peda­ RiVermont Av. J. W. Giles, A. M.,
gogy; Miss Margaret Ellis, A. B., assistant in history; Reba C. Stewart, A. B., assistant in biology; John Herbert Davis, professor of music; William S. Adams, professor of piano and organ; Annie Caroline Clark, professor of vocal music; Anne Mar­ tin Sneed, instructor in theory and piano; Aileen McKall Bond, instruc­ tor in piano; Evelyn Cary Williams, instructor in theory and piano; M. Evelyn Johnson, instructor in piano and violin; Miss Grace Reynolds, in­ structor in vocal music; Miss Clara B. Orr, instructor in piano and voice;
Louise J. Smith (Julian AcadGmie, SECRET AND BENEVOLENT OR­
Paris), professor of art; Miss Sarah
E. Cowan, acting professor of art;
Georgia W. Morgan, assistant in art;
Miss Alice H. Belding, A. B., profes­
sor of physical training; Miss Mary day night. D. T. Walker, secretary. Redden, gymnasium instructor. Other
officers: Robert Winfree, treasurer; A. W. Terrell, M. D., college phy­ sician; Henry D. Blackwell, A. B., Ph. D., librarian; Mary S. MacDou? gall, secretary to president; Blanche W. Withers, secretary to treasurer; Mrs. John Davenport Blackwell, ma­ tron; Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mrs. F. W. Martin, Mrs. W. B. Lane, chaperons; Mrs. Sallie E. Downes, housekeeper; Frances Bradshaw, Ella Downes, as­ sistant housekeepers.
Virginia Christian College — West
Lynchburg. J. Hopwood, A. M., pres-
Confederate Veterans Garland-Rodes Camp •— Meets first Thursday each month, at Jones Li­ brary. J. H. Kinnier, commander;
W. M. Seay, adjutant.
Daughters of American Revolution Blue Ridge Chapter—Meets second Thursday each month. Mrs. Austin
T. Quick, recording secretary. Daughters of the Confederacy
Old Dominion, No. 69—Mrs. Lizzie H. Christian, president; Miss Sallie Royall, recording secretary.
Ki/rkwood Otey Chapter, No. 10—
vice-president; James Holmes, secre- Mrs. Sami F. Poindexter, recording
ident, philosophy, ethics; Wm. G. secretary.
Shackelford, A. M., pure and applied
mathematics; Karl R. Moeneh, Ph.
D., ancient and modern languages;
Frank R. Gay, A. M., Greek language
and literature; Preston B. Hall, A.
M., logic and history; Mrs. S. E. L.
Hopwood, criticism, rhetoric, litera­
ture; G. G. Cole, A. M., Sc. D., 818%Main, every Monday night. M.
science; Miss Edna McPherson, art;
Nat Wright. John W. Shockley and
Walter P. Musick, tutors; Clarence
Chandler, director vocal and instru­
mental music and harmony; Mrs. M. Bldg. G. T. Coleman, secretary.
The Lynchburg National Bank
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS...................................8450,000
Virginia Theological SemiMary and College—Incorporated 1900. Rev. J. R. L. Diggs, president; Mary R. Hayes, secretary and treasurer. Bed­ ford Av., southwest corner DeWitt, South Lynchburg.
Virginia Collegiate and Industrial Institute (Morgan College)—One-half mile south of city limits on C. C. H. road. G. E. Stephens, principal.
Smith’s Business College—900 Fifth.
St. Frances de Sales School—1204 4 Polk.
Lynchburg Lodge, No. 321—Meets at Elks Home, 510 Main, every Thurs­
Fraternal Mystic Circle Lynchburg Ruling, No. 108—Meets second Tuesday each month at 816
Church. C. B. Younger, secretary. Fraternal Order Eagles
Lynchburg Aerie—
Meets at HaILlUl,
S. Sheehan, secretary.
Improved Order of Red Men
Mineola Tribe, No. 96—Meets every Wednesday evening at Hall, Scott

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