Page 107 - 1881 Lynchburg City Directory
P. 107

  CAMM'S EMULSION ,ill pusitivdy arrest Cotdumption, ir u,ct in lime. For sale by Drnggt•ts everywhere.
Pettn , John II, lab, res over 93 Main.
P.ettns, Joscph A, lab re over 93 Main.
PETTYJOHN & CO, Proprietors Lynch House, 9th
   and Main.
Pettyjohn .:' Hcfferr:an, J P Pettyjohn and Wm A lleffernan, sash, doors, blinds and building materials, 122 Main.
Pett.vjohn. Je.;s; e M, clerk Lynch llonsc.
PETTYJOHN, JOHN P, builder, sash, doors and blinds,
saw and planing mills, Upper Basin, res Gth and Fetleral. Pettyjohn, Joscph, Pettyjohn & Co, res Lynch House. Pettyjohn, Louisa B Miss, res Lynch House.
Peyser I T, clerk P Peyser jr, bds Mrs Cocke.
 PEYSER, P jr, clothing and gents' furnishing goods,
1 2   Maio, bds Arlington Hotel.
Pfeiffer, J C, tailor, res Main and 1 7th.
Phelps, .linn, cook .James Kinnier.
Phelps, Ohas,-;:· lab, res rear   'V Younger.
Phelps, C1·awford,* lab, re's Monroe bet 12th and 13th.
Phelps, D ,V, Loyd, Phelps & Co, bds Arli
Phelps, David B, Stabler & Phelps, res cor 13th and E l m ave. Phelps, James, lab John S .Morris.
Phelps, J S, clerk Jos Cohn, bds Mrs Boatwright.
Phelps, Sallie Mrs, res Main bet 16th and 17th.
Phelps, Stephen,* lab, res Main and Washington.
Phillips, Ben,«· lab, res rear A H Mitcham.
Phillips, Martha F Mrs, res Jackson bet 11th antl 12th. Phillips, \V,·* lab, res H bet Withers and Johnson, Dan Hill. PIEDMONT MILLS, Jefferson and Horseford road,
gton Hotel.
  S C Hurt &   on proprietors.
Pierce, A N, elk Karn & Hickson,res   th bet Main and Church. Pierce, W C, eng Richmond & Alleg'y R R, bds Hclay llonse. Pierce, W L, telegraph operator Va Mid Ry.
Pink, Louis, upholsterer, res Church bet 12th and 13th. Pinkney, G T Rev,·" res Jackson bet !)th and lOth. PITTMAN, W E, physician, cor Church and 8th, res
Pleasants, 0 R, grocer, 12th het Monroe and Taylor. PLECKER, A H, photographer 124 Main, res same.
(See advertisernent.)
Plunkett, C T, sccy Lynchburg Fire Ins Co, res 11th bet Main
and Church.
Plunkett, Jno, manao-er llolt, Schaefer & Co, res Franklin Hill. Plunkett, Mary C M.·s: res Franklin Hill.
Plunkett, :Martha,* res 15th and C.

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