Page 48 - 1881 Lynchburg City Directory
P. 48

 )ROF. LE HARTZ, Liepzig, Germany, says : I have used . and find it pore, aml recommend_ it as promoting general
arum's Emulsion utrition.
 bet 8th and Dtb, res Mint Springs. Fl'y W M, engineer N & W R R. rulcher, Wyatt,+ lab Mrs E J Steptoe.
  and tb.
Fulse, Wallace/ dri,·or, res co1· l l th and .Madison.
Fulwiler, W L,* lab   & W R n.
Fuqua, J C, uanaget· F C Ford, res Locust m· 16th.
Fuqua, Thos,-: lab Ya Mid Ity.
Fuqua, "Vesley,'' lab, res roat· Robt Ilaskiu.:<.
Furbush, JH E Mrs, dressmaker, res 5th bet Main and Church. Furbush, Wm, lab N & \V R H..
Furbneh: "VUJ,* mu.ician, res .Jefferson bet lOth and 1 1th. :Fnrbush, Wrn, res 5th bet Main and Church.
Furcron, "V E, engineer Myers Bros & Co, res Madisun bet 7th
and 8th.
Gaddis, J B Mrs, res 6th and :Federal.
Gaines, Frederick,-:+ carpenter, res rear J ' Clavin.
Gaines, Isorn,* lab I H Adams & Bro .
Gaiues, Shadrach,* lab, res 4th bet Comt aud Clay.
Galloway, Agnes, res llarrison bet 7th and th.
Galloway, labalie, res Harrii'on bet 7th and 8th.
( -Ialloway, Tn.ncy Miss, res Harrison bet 7th and 8th. n:mnaway, AlexandCJ·,-:'- lab X & \V It R
Gannaway, Alex,-::- lab, res Locust.
Gannaway, Cornclins,·::- lab N & "Y R R.
Gannaway lannic,·x- res Madison bet th ami 9th.
Gannaway, J E, clerk ·watts & Co res Church bet Gth and 7t1t. Gannaway, James,·: blacksmith, res Hanison bet 7th and   th. (-iannaway, Robert,-:-:- lab, res Hith atl(l lianisou.
Gannaway, \Valter/ lab (-las \\Torks res Ryan ur Stonewall,
Gannaway, Wash ington blacksmith "y T Epp', res D.111 H.

      Daniel's Hill.
Gannaway, \Vesley,-;:- lab, res J2th bet Monroe and Taylor.
 Gannaway,W R 'uptCityAlmsllouseresFedemlandJlollino_
Garbee, G- R, gwccr, 3th bet Madison and Harrison.
  C-larbec, "Ym stone trHtson res lllth and .Monroe.
 Gardner, \rm, painter, res 1 1 tlt bel Polk and Monroe. ---- - -   ----
IE Norfolk & \Vestern H.R , in \'<JOrwction with L e RhE>nandoabVolle_d{oad T, \l
,1•i:L Roanoke,) forms the 111ost llired roulc to Lh<' famous 'nerns of_ Luray.
Fry, Rich ard, blacksmith, wheelwrigh anLl millwright Lynch
Fnlkcs, Goo Yv, carpenter Snead & Wiuston res 1 2th 1 1 1· Fnlkes, J W & Bro, produce stalls 1 4, A and 13 market.
Fulse, Paschal/- waiter Arlington llotel res Harrison bet 7th

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