Page 1 - 1879-80 Lynchburg Directory
P. 1

l!l.:f. :\'lain SL, T--.ynchhui·g·., V irg·inia. D E A L E H T \""
\Va!clJCs, Diamonas, Jewelry, ~ilrci1\Yam} l~yc-GlasGs, ~!Jectarles,
OPERA HI...ASSES.t\.NDCLOCKS. Old g-old nml silver tnken in exchnng<' for IW \1' goods. Hpc<'ial attention pnid to repairing- Watches an<! .Jewelry. .\nything in the .J,•welry O l' Silvt>r-
ware line ma<lc to <ml<.'r at ~lwrt notit'c. '1
\VILLIAM B. SNEAD, ,\!\ll M.\.1\!'l•'.\C''t'\IHJ•:Jt Ol-'
SASH. BLINDS. DOOR~. ~lOULl)l~(;S, l:ll'uc~Jccts, 1:-!-.Joo •·iug·, CeiJiu g·, '\Vniu.,..con1iug,
.\ND HUILJ>J:'\(; l\L\T.EJ{I.\LH <:1-:'\ l.:lt.\LLY,
Fnetory Snudy Hoolr. ()tfir·c on Jl!i.tin 8tre~t. bel. 13th and l4t!...
WILLIAM A. WOODY, .-;). 1\f:niu !OSt. hct. (H.h & '".<'th,
LY.NCI~TB l'RC, - - - - V'Il?J/I.NI.IJ..
Repairir. g Executed in the best Manner and on Reasonable Terms. w . - - - • - - :-::--=::::...~-..; R '1'. H u TJ.F.Il. B. n. Hn'l'l.}:n.
liSlHEJ'~lLJIE:~} JB\R~~'ID~·u;9) · 51 Main St., Lynchburg, Va..
lJon:~r, ~ij]JlJ {f;.~>n_-i;'.I?t' ;11ul &7ntil{t~1d;~tl
Uilde-t'S, Ola.:if?'g, Pap(']' llanr;f'?'s, ,<.'.h'llt·/l Outfe?'s, &c.
" 'ork t>XC<'Illt><l in thP best lll:tlllll'l', >Ill.! nn lll<lst l'l':tq<•n:.l>l<' l<.'l'll\H, Y our palron:l~P is l't1S)H'I'II'Idly snlit'ilt•,J.

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