Page 6 - Lynchburg 1866 Annual Report
P. 6
Repairs~~tCourt-1Iou~;e,~238 36; .Juror"'Claims,$~75 40: and for City Parks, 892:3 :39; two goltl uoter-, and prl'- minin paid iu currency, ~4,-!24 !14; and sundry !- River and Kunawba Bonds, n1akc up the nmonnt to >'U4,633 69, and leaving in the hands of' the Tren~ureJ· to the l~reclit of the l'ity, >$1,855 O:i, on the 1st Januar), l8G7.
The Treasurer'R account of the Guaranteed ]fund also appears before you. It will be !'ICCn thut the total receipts on this aecount during the year 1866, au1ouutb to XG2,724 40, and that he ha~ paitl out in the same p<•t·iod for intere~t, ~30,19!'1 0~. f-ieveral ~-;mall amount~> 1in· incitlcntal expense,, whicl1 with sundry payments to the city ac!·Ouut proper, make up till' amount of pay- ments for the year to $4:~,!>40 60, and leaves to the credit Of tfte city 011 tl1iS il('COlUit, tJH• l'\l1JH Of $18,783 73, 011 the 1st .Tanuary, 1867.
The Committee will now endeavor to gh:e !"Ome idea of the con
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