Page 7 - Lynchburg 1866 Annual Report
P. 7
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This bill wu.s mu.<.le on the 7. .\nd, furthermore, a-. only a portion of tb~ money would be required at once. it wa" vrovhlc<.l in the bill that thtJ Committee should b:we di~crdiom1r~· authol'ity f;1r l'ulling for it at ...udt tim~·s and in l'twh aHwtuit~> :b rhe 'l'r~asurer might need.
A call wa,.; lllllr to me<>t the sPmi-auHunl intere<;t llne on tlw 1~o.t .1uly next.
'L'h~licen;.Nibciug-duel'arlyi11 \Jay,therct·ciptiX)'en­
'es, until ,Jnly or lator.
To facilitate a clcHl'<'l' •·otttprdrl'n::-ion of tltc liabiliti~.·~
of the city Ull }:{iv•·r 111Hl Kana\\ ha d.,ht...................................... ~.):.!,,->IMI
'11ul "'ater \\'ork• olel,t........................................................ The Lou•ls oi lll6H, w IIJ!!-en the lom·tt•··U nt taxatioli, i·-n~J~l in
l b/'>6.......................................... ................... Ron•is i--ueJ in l~m·...........................................
R..nue for unpaid in~r•.sl, luuued in 1~t;;;................ Kono• for unpsirl iut<:rc~t. fuml~·l in l~lli ...............
2-tl,fiUU :!.11~1
49.145 :!,881
!4~,:H5 of thu >o.;bollll, prvl't:rly lllttt.dtto dw ~OO,l/0(1 of ft•o R:•ilrot•d....................)()O,(){.HI ~Hfl7,12H

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