Page 7 - Lynchburg 1868 Annual Report
P. 7
'l'o the Couucil of the Oif!J of L!JncltLuru :
GI::NTT.E~IEN,-The City Ordinances require tho Trca~tatemcut showing his receipt!-! and disbur~cmcut:; J(>r tho preceding fiscal year, the condition of tlte several fundH, all de- linquencies of collectors nnd other accountnble ofliccrs, and all oul- lllnudiug debts clue to or from the ciLy"; and they make it thll duty o[' the Committee on Finnnce to examine the 'l'rcasurcr'~:~ annual account, and report thereon at the same meeting at which such account is returned.
It seem~ to have grown into a custom to make :mch annu:tl report to the meeting in lliay, being that next after the city election, uud to embrace in it the estimates for the ensuing )'Car. ;\li,;led heretofore hy thb cm•tom, nnd cmbarras:;ed by the failure of' our predccc~<~Orl' to make any report at all, your Committee now prc~cnt their report on the Trcal'urcr's annual account only, lca\'ing for future conl'idcra- tiou, allcr the reports of the other C0111ll1itlcc:; :;hall have been received, the r1uc;.tion of future revenue aud cxpcncliturc. Tho Trcasurer'l< account il' herewith presented, ancl :-;hows ''J1t he received
during the year ending December 31st, as follow:;:
For City Fund Account.
From hnlnnco on hnnrl, December 31, 1867.............. $2, Oi I 81
Guamutecd fund loaned in 1867...................
House rents............................................. .. Market rents............................................ Dividends Gas Light Company ..................... . Public ~cnlcs............................................. T'\X ou seals of ollicc piayor).......................
\.B. nuckcr, for ~ulc of leather.................... 1:eorgc D. Da·ris, for sale of cotton doth ........ Total other thnu luxe~............
u, 357 OU
- - ~- $7,1:Jllil
2:•3 00 I, I:J.i 1(1 I, 070 00 I, !l1(1 81
r, oo tiO~ ·Ill ~~.7 20

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